1,2,3 짝을 맞춰야하는데
123,132,231,213,312,324 어떤 순서로 맞추는게 빠른지 -> 순열 구해서 인덱스 dfs
123도 어떤 1로 먼저 가야되는지 -> 2가지 경우
최솟값 출력
from collections import defaultdict, deque
from itertools import permutations
from copy import deepcopy
def bfs(board, start, end):
if start==end:
return 0
q, visit = deque([[start[0], start[1], 0]]), {start}
while q: # BFS
x, y, c = q.popleft()
for dx, dy in [(0,1),(0,-1),(1,0),(-1,0)]:
nx, ny = x+dx, y+dy # Normal move
cx, cy = x, y
while True: # Ctrl + move
cx, cy = cx+dx, cy+dy
if not (0 <= cx <= 3 and 0 <= cy <= 3):
cx, cy = cx-dx, cy-dy
elif board[cx][cy] != 0:
if (nx, ny) == end or (cx, cy) == end: # 도착 최단 경로
return c+1
if (0 <= nx <= 3 and 0 <= ny <= 3) and (nx, ny) not in visit:
q.append((nx, ny, c+1))
visit.add((nx, ny))
if (cx, cy) not in visit:
q.append((cx, cy, c+1))
visit.add((cx, cy))
def dfs(board, cdict, curr, case, cost): # 격자 카드, 좌표, 순열경우, 비용
if len(case)==0: # 모든 카드를 확인한 경우
return cost
idx = case[0]+1 # 현재 선택해야할 카드의 종류
# 현재위치에서 A1까지의 조작 횟수 + A1->A2까지의 조작 횟수 + 2(카드 선택)
choice1 = bfs(board, curr, cdict[idx][0]) + bfs(board, cdict[idx][0], cdict[idx][1]) + 2
choice2 = bfs(board, curr, cdict[idx][1]) + bfs(board, cdict[idx][1], cdict[idx][0]) + 2
# 선택한 카드는 board에서 0으로 변경
new_board = deepcopy(board)
new_board[cdict[idx][0][0]][cdict[idx][0][1]] = 0
new_board[cdict[idx][1][0]][cdict[idx][1][1]] = 0
# 더 작은값으로
if choice1 < choice2:
return dfs(new_board, cdict, cdict[idx][1], case[1:], cost + choice1)
return dfs(new_board, cdict, cdict[idx][0], case[1:], cost + choice2)
def solution(board, r, c):
answer = float('inf')
# 카드
cdict = defaultdict(list)
for row in range(4):
for col in range(4):
num = board[row][col]
if num != 0:
cdict[num].append((row, col))
# 순열
for case in permutations(range(len(cdict)), len(cdict)):
answer = min(answer, dfs(board, cdict, (r, c), case, 0))
return answer